Services Provided

WorkCover Queensland

Acupuncture can also be claimed for psychological disorders such as stress or depression. Long-term periods where a person is unable to return to work. This can have devastating effects and acupuncture is proven to aid in the rehabilitation of physiological disorders. All you need to do is ask your caseworker at WorkCover QLD for a referral.

Workers will need to be assessed by their work Medical Officer or GP or go directly to WorkCover QLD to make a claim. Follow the link above to access WorkCover QLD webpage. Once the injury is assessed as a work injury you will need to have your Medical officer or GP give you a referral for Acupuncture treatment. On the referral it should state Acupuncture Treatment.

Acupuncture is one of the best forms of treatment for closed wound injuries such as muscular strains, joint strains or low back injury including disc hernia. If you’ve been injured at work, or because of your work, you may be eligible to claim benefits from WorkCover Queensland, or your employer if they are self-insured.

An injury is ‘a personal injury arising out of, or in the course of, employment if the employment is a significant contributing factor to the injury. Injuries can happen at work, travelling to and from work or while on a break from work. Injuries can also take place if you are travelling for work, or visiting other workplaces or sites for the purposes of your job.

Examples of different types of injuries covered:

  • Physical injuries—such as muscle strains, fractures, back strain, whiplash
  • Secondary Psychological disorders such as stress or depression
  • Aggravation of a pre-existing condition under WorkCover

Employees may be covered while working from home, as long as the injuries arise out of—or in the course of—employment, and the employment is a significant contributing factor to the injury. Employees may be covered for injuries sustained while working from home and on a recess break.

Phone WorkCover and speak to your case manager about acupuncture. 1300 362 128

WorkCover claims are assessed each case on the individual facts at the time. You will need to lodge a claim with WorkCover QLD then on approval a visit to your GP or work Medical Officer to access acupuncture treatment referral form.


Acupuncture is one of the most effective modalities for relieving muscle and joint pain. Acute muscular pain from overstrain of muscles have been shown to improve with the use of Acupuncture. Specific points are used and though painful points may be observed the needling of such points is not recommended unless as a last resort. The Acupuncturist will isolate the muscle damage and use points according to the presenting pain and muscle involvement.

Joints are continually under forces of muscular tension and become damaged or worn. When treating joint conditions the Acupuncturist will assess for underlying conditions or ask for a referral to a Doctor for medical findings such as X-Ray, Ultra Sound, CT scan or MRI to determine the extent or location of an injury. Acupuncture is effective in relieving and mending long term joint problems by stimulating blood to or into a joint cavity and balancing the muscles associated to joint stability.

Treatment times vary according to the type of pain experienced. For Acute strains several treatments will constitute a course while Chronic or degenerative conditions are assessed and advice is given in advance about an expected treatment course.

Chinese herbal formulas in use today are mostly the same as hundreds of years ago. In general these group of formula have a washing or cleaning action on the muscles and joints and in a lot of formula will aid internal organ function also. With over 60 Chinese Herbal Formula dedicated to the Muscle and Joint Systems there is a good chance your condition has been treated many times in the past with significant results.


The acupuncturist uses laser sharpened micro needles to stimulate collagen and subcutaneous skin repair for damaged skin and wrinkles.

Chinese herbal formulas are designed to repair skin such as dry, weeping, oily or blotchy, skin affected by ageing and dehydration, poor peripheral circulation and or hormonal dysfunction we can see that these formula play an important part returning the skins luster for the patient and aiding to balance internal stresses and imbalances.

Chinese herbal formulas can include a sub formula for leading the action of herbs to the subcutaneous tissues to help wash and regenerate this layer in a quick and timely manner. 


Vitamin C is essential in the body’s production of Collagen and using a vitamin C rich oil such as this beautiful organic Rosehip along with a vitamin C supplement will help boost your results by assisting the body to produce collagen in response to the needling of the skin.

Collagen breaks down due to UV exposure and lifestyle factors like smoking and poor dietary habits. The breakdown of Collagen causes the skin to become dry, lose elasticity and start to become lined and wrinkled.

Cosmetic Acupuncture techniques kick-start the production of collagen and increase blood flow to restore a healthy glow to the face. Even better with added vitamin C both as a topical and increased in the daily diet.

The acupuncturist uses laser sharpened micro needles to stimulate collagen and subcutaneous skin repair for damaged skin and wrinkles.

Chinese herbal formulas are designed to repair skin such as dry, weeping, oily or blotchy, skin affected by ageing and dehydration, poor peripheral circulation and or hormonal dysfunction we can see that these formula play an important part returning the skins lustre for the patient as well as aiding to balance internal stresses and imbalances.

Chinese herbal formulas can include a sub formula for leading the action of herbs to the subcutaneous tissues to help wash and regenerate this layer in a quick and timely manner.


Acupuncture treatments are an accepted form of treatment by your IVF program when performed by a registered Acupuncturist.

During IVF stress and anxiety can play a part. Acupuncture is known for the release of endorphins, the relaxing hormone helping you to remain calm during your IVF cycle.

Although acupuncture has not been proven scientifically to increase your chance of falling pregnant aiding in relaxation and decreasing stress is beneficial.

Migraines & Headaches

Migraines are one of the worst types of headache we can experience. If caused by serotonin receptors or from muscular tension of the neck or jaw they are difficult to manage.

Headache is a common symptom and may be a primary disorder or a secondary symptom of other disorders. Primary headache can be categorized as cluster, tension or migraine and may be aggravated by stress or tiredness.

Tension headaches are one of the most common headaches after migraines and can be distinguished by a headache lasting 30 minutes to 7 days and are normally nonpulsating, mild to moderate in severity, bilateral and not aggravated by exertion. Tension headache can precede a migraine.

Acupuncture can be used for headaches and migraines. Following the episodic nature of these conditions the acupuncturist can pick times that are most beneficial for acupuncture treatment.

Walk in Appointments Available Daily

Phone or go straight to the online booking page to locate a suitable time to make your appointment. Appointments can be from 30minutes to one hour.

Contact Us


2 Benson Street, STE 1 Benson House
Toowong, 4066

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