Herbal Medicine
Understanding the basis of Chinese herbal formula

Initial Consultation
Your consultation will take about 1hr. During this time discussion will around past and present health concerns. Herbal formula are selected with regard to your body constitution at the time of the appointment. Future formula selection needs to be taken after a brief consultation to check what it symptoms or signs are presenting at that time.

Services Provided
Anxiety and Stress
Today’s busy schedule and lifestyle leads to a build up of tension and stress in our body. Acupuncture is a gentle and effective way to give the body time to regulate these stresses. By warming the body over areas of muscular tension and acupuncturing tension spots with traditional acupuncture points your body’s response is to release stress related hormones and metabolic wastes.
Tension Headaches
A tension headache lasts 30 minutes to 7 days and is nonpulsating, bilateral and not aggravated by exertion. Tension headaches can lead to migraines.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have a long history of being used for headache. An acupuncturist may place needles in the feet to help with migraine. Chronic tension headaches are often associated with Migraine and so the treatment and management tend to overlap.
Migraines & Headaches
Migraine is more frequent to day and can be a debilitating condition that affects work and home life. Migraine can be aggravated by muscular exertion, sound, light or smell and associated with nausea and or vomiting
Migraines can by triggered by Cycling estrogen and may explain why 3 times as many women suffer from migraine as men
Acupuncture increases blood flow to the muscles and relaxes the muscles to allow better blood flow. Muscular tension is recognised as a leading trigger for migraine.
Depression can be a serious and difficult condition to overcome. When we suffer depression hormones and body chemicals react to our thoughts and play a role in our improvement.
WorkCover QLD allow for a person who is off work more than six months to claim acupuncture for depression. When our back to work outlook is dim and thoughts change acupuncture is available through the Workers Compensation scheme.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Herbal Medicine
One of the most important questions asked is how do Chinese herbal formula differ from regular herbs or a western herbalists prescription?
- Chinse herbal formulas are prescribed as a soup or tea and are available in pill, granule, or dried herb.
- Chinese herbs are prescribed by their nature. Nature can be understood by the property we feel such as heat from chilli or coolness from peppermint tea
- Chinese herbal formulas start as two-herb formula and can be as extensive as 12 or 15 herbs. Understanding how to combine Chinese herbs we need to be have studied Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis.
- Dosage is dictated by body mass and severity of symptom. If we allow for these variations then we seldom have side effects.
- All forms of Chinese Herbal formula are the same herbs just in a different presentation. A tea from a granule is the same as a pill or capsule.
- All forms of herb presentation such as pill or granule require study in Chinese medicine to know if it is the correct formula.
Walk in Appointments Available Daily
Phone or go straight to the online booking page to locate a suitable time to make your appointment. Appointments can be from 30minutes to one hour.
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2 Benson Street, STE 1 Benson House
Toowong, 4066