TrP Acupuncture

Acute Muscular Pain treatment

What is TrP Acupuncture?

TrP Acupuncture is the insertion of acupuncture needles into a focal area of hyperirritability. This irritability may lie in the muscles, muscular fascia, periosteum, ligament or skin. Being sensitive to pressure TrP’s are easy to locate.

Myofascial TrP’s the most common type of TrP found in the body are located in the skeletal muscle. Commonly occurring after vigorous exercise, sitting for pronged periods of time, repetitive work and many more these TrP’s are the ones we most commonly feel.

Tools of the profession, palpation, observation?

Palpation is important when treating with TrP Acupuncture. Palpation is the sensory stimulation of touch and pressure on our body. We need to have good tactile feedback to make the correct assessment of which band of muscle is effected so the TrP Acupuncture can be successful.

Observation of joints and posture allows us to diagnose visually. We can observe differences in posture, gait and anatomical markers.

Local muscle soreness can also refer pain to a different area of our body. The pain can be felt in a different area to where the TrP actually is. For this we need to have a series of tests to be able to differentiate the location of the pain to obtain a successful outcome for our TrP Acupuncture treatment.  The 12 ‘myofascial channels‘ in the TrP Acupuncture system join the individual muscles and places them into functional complexes within the fascial fabric. With this defined anatomy relating human posture and movement we are able to use distal points to effect local focal myofascial pain with TrP Acupuncture by following the Muscle Channel.

Treatments necessary and the duration of time for each treatment..

TrP Acupuncture is an accurate and scientific needling system. We evaluate the pain location, duration, intensity and if referral of pain is present. With these factors we can give you an accurate period of treatment needed.  A treatment using TrP Acupuncture is usually 40 minutes depending on the area requiring treatment.

Trigger Point Acupuncture & pain related overview

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. TMJD

Joint stiffness is a common feature of TMJD. Pain in the area of the joint is the commonest symptom and there are a variety of associated symptoms. Inclusion of tenderness in the facial muscles is also a common finding. TrP Acupuncture is used to aid in decreasing pain, tenderness and muscular pressure.

Cervical Spine

One of the key indicators for cervical disorders is a reduction in range of motion (ROM). Common cervical spine problems include Cervical postural dysfunction (sitting too long at a desk or in a static or stationary position), Acute wryneck, Whiplash, disc compression, osteoarthritis and brachial plexus trauma.


Shoulder is one of the most common areas of the body to be effected by pain. TrP Acupuncture  is commonly used for acute shoulder conditions such as frozen shoulder, bursitis, rotator cuff syndrome, supraspinatus tendonitis etc. 

Mid Back Pain

For mid back pain we are looking for pain arising from the central vertebrae, unilateral and transverse vertebrae as well as the ribs. Another feature of this type of pain is it can be referred to other areas that are load bearing such as the lower lumbar spine, buttocks and inguinal area.

Low Back Pain

The correct diagnosis of low back pain is often difficult and costly for the person during treatment. Despite the publication of a large volume of research on the subject, evidence regarding the most effective management is limited and contradictory. 

Speak with an Expert

Call: 0402-251-564 | (07) 3870-3800


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2 Benson Street, STE 1 Benson House
Toowong, 4066

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